As part of our ongoing work on Toronto’s Official Plan, TWCA gave a deputation to the City’s Planning and Growth Management Committee on April 13th.  We argued that each piece of planning policy, including the Healthy Neighbourhoods policy, must acknowledge and reflect all residents, especially women who might otherwise remain unpaid and unseen.


In response, the committee to pass a motion to consider the following amendment to the Healthy Neighbourhoods policy:


City Council request the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to report to the September 3, 2015 meeting of the Planning and Growth Management Committee on the addition of a non-statutory policy that speaks to the following intent:


Neighbourhoods and Apartment Neighbourhoods being communities that are planned to support Toronto’s diverse households with safe and appropriate housing, services, roads and environments, thus enabling residents to raise and care for children and dependants, make a living, as well as transition from one phase in life to another.


We will continue to follow this issue!